SGPsychStud - Certification and Diploma courses (Part 1): What is so bad about these courses?

There are currently many private education institutes (PEIs) and private companies that offers certifications or diplomas that involve psychology knowledge.
These are different from the local universities and PEIs that are offering psychology Bachelors and postgraduate degrees. Click here for the list of Bachelors degrees and here for the postgraduate degrees in Singapore. If you wish to have some tips for choosing the postgraduate degrees, you can read this post by Jon.

Coming back to the certifications and diplomas, I have seen some many advertisements lately in all my social media that are continuously promoting these diplomas and certificate courses.

Do note that these courses do not allow you to practice as a counsellor or psychologist after the course, even if the companies say that these courses are accredited!

Some questions that pop up in many psychology practitioners' minds are (when we gossip discuss about this):
  • Is these considered false advertising or just empty promises to the potential participants?
  • Do the participants really going to gain or learn anything about paying thousands of dollars for this short course?
  • Is this beneficial even to their daily lives? 

Why are these courses an issue? 
Issue 1. Singaporeans love to "collect" certifications. With our national obsessions of certifications, we often assume that all certificates are useful (to a certain extent) to our own learning or current work or future career development. Little do most know, training companies or PEIs can award any psychology/counselling certificates that they deem fit and there is not really regulatory bodies overseeing it.

Issue 2. Following Issue 1, some of you may now feel that probably diplomas are "more valuable" than certifications, considering that our local polytechnics offer diplomas as well?
Let me burst that bubble for you:
Students in the polytechnics have to do 3 years of study, including internships, which provide them with the basic skills of their first work. Why are these diplomas in the PEIs allowed to be as short as eight to nine months (and some may even be part-time programs)?
Diploma programs in PEIs have to be permitted by Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) under SkillsFutureSG before they can be offered, however this framework only ensures that the companies offering them are legitimate and will most probably not cheat their students' money. Referring to the credit rating of the ERF, it is mainly an evaluation of the companies' financials, and not about the quality of the courses.

Issue 3. Are these certifications and diplomas recognised? Those who know me, know that I do not really like to use this word "recognised". Please read this post.
Who actually recognises this certifications and diplomas? Are the certifications recognised by the hiring company, or recognised by industry? Most people do not know the differences between accreditation and recognised, and hence this point is often being exploited to attract more people to take up the certifications and diplomas.

Issue 4. Despite being accredited by some psychology or counselling related associations (this is often the selling point of the companies), it may or may not value-add towards a person's career or training pathway in psychology. Referring to these training pathways and requirements by the prominent psychology, counselling and social work societies in Singapore, the degrees mentioned in the link are the only degrees that are officially recognised by the societies to register with them, hence other certifications and diplomas will not allow one to practice in Singapore.
Disclaimer: To register as a psychologist or counsellor in Singapore are by voluntary basis, and hence there is no need to register for one to work as a psychologist or counsellor.

Hence when you see an advertisement about a course that interest you, always do more investigation about it, before you sign that dotted line or make any payment.

Stay tuned to the next post where we will teach you how to choose a psychology certification or diploma program in Singapore!
