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This forum looks like a very good initative and effort from SPS, trying to do a bottom-up approach by understanding the situation and problems from the students' perspective. For years, SPS events with regards to students' matters, such as the annual Student Research Award and the SPS Youth Chapter (established in late 2013 and brought to a halt in 2014) have always been from a top-down approach. The top-down approach is not very healthy in terms of understanding the current and updated situation for the industry, especially with current students of this generation, hence we might see some different results with this forum through the new bottom-up approach.
As for the forum event itself, here are some things or learning points I really hope will result from the forum.
- A greater understanding of the current situation in terms of Singapore registration in psychology, i.e. how to register as a psychologist in Singapore. I believe there are several changes recently and this could be mentioned in the forum.
- A recommended pathway of studying psychology in Singapore. Even though I have written a post previously with regards to the Singapore psychological training pathway, but this is from my own point of view. With a recommended pathway, this may result in the accreditation of psychological programs in Singapore, which will finally resolve the question of "Is my program recognised?"; however may also bring up more programs for the different educational institutes.
- How students can be better connected to SPS and what SPS can provide to students in the near future. This current batch of students are the next generation of psychologists hence it is important that students are well connected to SPS, and via versa. This is both beneficial for the students' careers and the progression of psychology in Singapore!
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