SGPsychStud: Top 10 and Bottom 10 of 2013 Posts

Similar to companies where they have to do an annual report of 2013, I decided to do a compliation of the Top and Bottom 10 posts of 2013.  There was a total of 39 posts in 2013, which meant that there was more than an average of 3 posts every month.  There was also a total of 9 invited posts, which was much higher than the other years.  The rankings are based on the total views on each of the respective posts, from the dates they are posted till 1st April 2014.

Here are the top 10: 
  1. Overhearing conversation about psychologists' pay in Singapore
  2. Forensic and Criminal Psychology in Singapore
  3. Stage 2: Reflections of a NUS student
  4. Stage 2: Reflections of a JCU (Singapore) student
  5. Diploma or A levels? A post for the secondary schoolers
  6. Psychology Program Comparison Between Local Universities
  7. Writing a thesis (Part 2) - Preparation
  8. 2013 Update: Academic requirements for local psychology diplomas and degrees
  9. Confusion about Australian vs UK degree programs
  10. SGPsychStud - The name
So it seemed like most readers are considered about topics revolving education and choices of universities, forensic psychology and pay.  Note that the top 2 posts were viewed over 4700 and 3600 views respectively (at least 6 times more than the No. 3 post), which meant that there are really a lot of people interested in forensic psychology and pay of psychologists!  And you are also interested in knowing who I am...Hum...

Here are the bottom 10 (1 being most viewed and 10 being the least viewed):
The views of these posts range from lower than 50 to slighter over 100.  Due to some of the posts being posted in late 2013 and the views collected on 1st April, they may not have been read enough by viewers (i.e. No. 4, 6, and 8).  
I thought you guys are interested in education topics?  You should also be interested in the accreditation and recognition of your programs, and how to become a good therapist and/or researcher!  Though registration and membership are two of my least used labels (see Labels on the right of the first post), however they are quite important if you plan to become a psychologist; you need to know the difference and how they affect your career as a psychologist.   
You are interested to know who I am, but you are not interested on why I started the blog?? 

Again, THANKS for reading my blog for the last year!!!
